Chapter 46

And if I’d been waiting in the stable when he returned from accepting the blue ribbon for that ride, I’d have tumbled him into the nearest empty stall, stripped off his jodhpurs, and fucked him senseless.

Startled at that thought, I shifted as discreetly as I could.

“I…uh…I won’t ask if I can borrow that picture for my article, but would you mind if I took a snapshot of it?”

“Not at all.”

I snapped a photo, and then another one, just in case the first didn’t come out.

“Jack was one of the two horses he would have ridden in the 1980 Olympics, if circumstances had permitted.”

Circumstances. Like the Communists invading Afghanistan and the US getting hardnosed about it and pulling out of the Games. About as guaranteed to change anything as the same action was in Vatican Roulette.

“Damn Commies.” Novotny growled. “Spoiling it for everyone.”