Chapter 62

He would expect me to go after him, to retaliate quickly. After all, that was how the WBIS worked. And I’d been so fucking hot for him the other night, he’d think I’d never be able to resist him.

And dammit, there was my cock, agreeing wholeheartedly with that.

But I was also the son of Nigel and Portia Mann. Coolness and cunning had been bred into my bones.

I sat on the edge of the bed and made sure that my alarm was set to go off at the correct time, then swung my legs up onto the comforter. I pushed up my pajama top and rubbed my fingertips over a nipple that was already pebble hard.

Wouldn’t Vincent be pleased to know that? But he wasn’t going to know that.

I slid my hand past my waistband. My cock was fully erect, and I ran my fingertips along its hot length, teasing myself higher. I drew random patterns around the crown with the precome that oozed from the slit.