A nurse in blue scrubs parted the curtains and came in. She took Pretty Boy’s vital signs. “You’re with him?” She directed the question to me while she scrawled some numbers on a chart, and then squatted down to check the amount of drainage in the bottle and in the Foley bag that hung from the bed’s lower rail.
“Yes. How bad is he? When will he be transferred to a regular floor?”
She shrugged. “The hemothorax—that’s a collapsed lung resulting from an accumulation of blood in the pleural cavity—”
I scowled at her. I knew what a fucking hemothorax was.
“That’s the worst of his injuries. Four of his ribs are fractured, one was so bad it punctured his lung, causing the hemothorax. His shoulder was dislocated, and his nose was broken. The scalp laceration bled like a bastard. Sorry,” she apologized indifferently for her language. “That must have been one hell of a set of stairs he fell down. We’ll send him up to Medicine as soon as we can find a bed for him there.”