Chapter 103

“Yes.” I jogged to the end of the corridor where the elevators were and took the first one that stopped up to ten, the floor that housed Admin.

Ms. DiBlasi, who usually stood guard at Mr. Wallace’s door, was not there, which was a surefire indication the shit was hitting the fan. I knocked firmly and entered, and learned the reason she wasn’t outside was because she was inside, making sure the high-ranking department heads who were gathered in clusters had food and drink.

“I’m sorry, sir—” Had I interrupted a council of war?

“Matheson.” I was flattered The Boss recognized me. “Thank you, Ms. DiBlasi. That will be all. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Yes, sir. Good evening.” The door closed quietly behind her, and he turned back to me.

“I assume you’ve heard the news.”

“Yes, sir. I—“

“It’s just as well you’re here. You were his trainee.”

“I still am, sir. I don’t believe that was Mr. Vincent who was killed. He’s too smart to get blown up by his own door.”