I remembered how he wouldn’t let me touch the door until he’d unlocked it himself. “Goddamn you. Don’t be dead. Don’t you dare be dead.” If he was, I’d—
I’d what? Kill him myself? I drew in a deep breath, then let myself into my car. It took three tries before I could get the key in the ignition. My right hand clenched, and I beat it on the steering wheel.
A sudden tapping on the window caused me to jump. It was DB, and I rolled down the window.
“What is it?”
“Quinn, you forgot your jacket. Are you all right?”
“Yes, I’m—”
“Bullshit. Unlock the door and shove over. I’ll drive.”
I did as he said, maneuvering over the console, and he got in and handed me my jacket. “I really am all right,” I insisted as I put it on.
“Sure. Pull my other leg. Listen, Quinn, you can’t fool me. Buckle up. I can see what’s going on.”
If he was aware of what was going on, why was he here?