Chapter 112

Traffic was what it was on a Thursday night, and he was at least a block and a half behind me, but I spotted him. If I didn’t have all my years’ experience, maybe I wouldn’t have. He wasn’t half bad.

Who had the balls to follow me? I made it just difficult enough for him not to get suspicious.

When I turned into the parking pavilion of Washington Hospital, he switched off his headlights and drove after me. When I headed for the below-ground parking, he slowed, letting the distance between us grow.

A van started to back out, and I whipped my Dodge around it in a move my tail-er wouldn’t be expecting. The driver of the van, flustered, stepped on the gas instead of the brake, nearly hitting the car parked across the aisle, then jammed on his brakes and succeeded in stalling out, blocking the path. It took him a few tries to get it running again, but by that time, I’d killed my lights, pulled into a spot, and switched off the ignition.