Chapter 114

Besides, Pretty Boy was a friend of mine. He had a good many clients not only on the Hill, but in a number of foreign embassies, as well. He would lose those clients if they thought there was even the slightest possibility of their dealings with him coming under public scrutiny. He and the other rent boys had worked too hard to build up that clientele.

Not only that, but I owed him. I wasn’t about to fuck up his plans.

“You have to want something. Everyone wants something.”

I shrugged and licked the last of the pudding off the spoon and set it and the cup back on the tray “World peace? A beautiful woman on my arm?” To live long enough to enjoy my 401K? “Sir, what you do in your spare time is not my business.” I grinned at him. “You’re not my congressman.” I straightened and offered him my hand. “Don’t let this little mishap stop you from seeing Pretty Boy. He’s a good man.” A talented man, but I wasn’t going to say anything about that.