Chapter 116

“Dilaudid,” she explained as she wiped a patch of skin with an alcohol swab and injected him with the pain medication.

“Ow. Vince.” Pretty Boy shifted uncomfortably.

“Don’t be such a baby. That didn’t hurt.”

“Easy for you to say. It wasn’t your ass she jabbed with that knitting needle.”

The nurse chuckled and smoothed the johnny gown back in place, then went to drop the syringe into a red container that was mounted on the wall.

“There are a couple of friends who’ll want to see him,” I told her as she raised the bed rails, “but I promise we’ll all be gone before you know it.”

“Not too long, remember. Now, here’s the call bell. Just press it if you need anything.” She left.

Pretty Boy tried to find a position that wasn’t uncomfortable. “Fuck. Now everything hurts. My ass, my ribs, my head. Oh, yeah, laugh it up, fuzzy.”

“Sorry, baby. I’m just glad you’re alive to piss and moan.”



“Where’s Spike? He was here before. Did he have to go on a job?”