Chapter 120

“This is fine, Quinn.” Even though there was no place to fasten handcuffs. Well, if it came to that, I could always improvise. “Thanks.”

“Don’t mention it, Mark. The bathroom is attached, and it’s right through that door.”

I glanced in. It was a three-quarter bath, with a shower instead of a tub, but it would do fine. I wasn’t a big fan of baths, anyway.

“I’ve set the coffeemaker to go off automatically at six thirty, in case you need to leave early.”

“Okay, thanks.”

“I…I have to go back downstairs to lock up the house, so I’ll say good night now. Good night.”

“Yeah. ‘Night, Mann.” I watched as he walked away. That ass….

Abruptly he came back, wound his fingers in my lapels, and dragged me chest to chest with him. “Mark, if you ever pull a stunt like that again….” He was trying to give me a shake with each word, but all he succeeded in doing was tugging on my jacket.