Chapter 124

I slid a small device onto the receiver and punched in a series of numbers. The phone was answered on the first ring. “Mr. Vincent.” Mr. Wallace’s distinctive voice came back over the line.

I didn’t bother asking if there was a problem. The fact that my call had bypassed his gorgon of a secretary told me there was one.

“A situation has arisen in Huntingdon’s Boston office.” He proceeded to outline the problem in a flat tone.

Apparently a computer geek had uploaded some new software for the entire accounting department in the Boston office. It was supposed to contain a simple debugging program, but instead of running a scan and making any corrections automatically, it was exponentially increasing the errors, thereby increasing the problem to the point the entire office was at a standstill.

“I’ll catch the first shuttle up to Logan and deal with it,” I told him when he had finished.