Chapter 134

The silk of his pajamas was warm, but the combined heat of our bodies warmed it even more. Quinn’s palms stroked up the skin of my inner arms, finding and trapping my hands. My cock was hard, tenting the boxers, and he rocked against it, letting the sensuous material caress it.

“I want you, Mark.” His lips were a hairsbreadth away. “Fuck the CIA. Fuck the WBIS. This is personal.”

I stared into his hazel eyes. “It’s always been personal, Quinn.”

Shock rippled through me at that unanticipated confession, but before I could recant it, his mouth came down onto mine, hungry and avid, crushing my lips against my teeth. His tongue filled my mouth, and it explored the ridged texture of the roof of my mouth, the smooth lining of my cheek, then stroked across my own tongue.