Chapter 74

I shook myself, then made the bed, dressed, and drove back to my apartment, where I showered and changed and spent the day at the shooting range.

* * * *

Saturday night was more of the same. The holiday weekend was in full swing, and I had no doubt the cops would have a field day pulling over DWIs.

I sat in the kitchen, moodily pushing the Portuguese pork with lemon from one side of my plate to the other.

I took a last swallow of my beer, then rose and stored the leftovers in the plastic containers my landlords had given me as a housewarming gift.

Maybe I’d take a ride to the National Mall and watch the fireworks display.

Maybe I’d go on to the WBIS, in spite of The Boss’s orders, and see if Pierre de Becque had come up with anything new.

I scooped up my keys and headed out the door.

But I wished Quinn had called.

* * * *