Theo looked surprised. “No. Wills has never done that. He…Vince, he said he’s….” There was a brief pause.
I’d known Theo for more than ten years, and unbeknownst to him, I’d seen him when he’d been out with a john and in full rent boy mode. He’d made the man feel as if he were handsome and witty, a raconteur on par with Noel Coward, and I’d had no doubt that afterward, when they were in bed, he’d have his john believing, no matter how erroneously, that he was as skilled in the art of lovemaking—all the world’s greatest lovers rolled into one.
This was nothing like that. There was awe and hope and wonderment in his eyes. I remembered the look on Matheson’s face as he’d held that photo in Davies’s office.
“He loves me.”
I shook my head and stared at the box. “What can you tell me about the man who gave this to you?”
“Hmm?” He snapped out of his bemusement. “Oh. Average height, kind of stocky build. Nothing remarkable. He asked if you lived here.”