Chapter 42

“I found a couple of books online that clarified that a lot of what the Bible says about being queer is lost in translation or not correctly interpreted. Bottom line, I decided the Old Testament had nothing much valid to say about the subject. Am I boring you?”

“No, not at all. Please go on.”

“Well, the New Testament gave me the answer I was looking for. The letters that Paul and others wrote were supporting the cultural norms of the time that were based mainly on the Old Testament teaching. I decided Jesus would have to have the definitive answer. So I studied the Gospels. I really wanted to know what Jesus had to say about homosexuality. You know what?”

“Jesus had nothing to say,” Ted said, remembering his own study of the Gospels in Sunday School.

“That’s right. In fact he would have kept company with guys like me. Scripture says he broke bread with sinners, tax collectors, and prostitutes!”