Chapter 33

Agnes held up the slender waxed paper package containing an “assurance cap,” a length of sheep’s intestine used to prevent pregnancy and diseases. “I do not know,” she said, “if you are needing one of zees or not, my vampire.” She glanced at Nigel.

Duncan shook his head. “I do not require such. I cannot sire a child, and the only disease I have is vampirism, and I am assured you can only catch that if I kill you.”

“Le petite mort, she does not count to become a vampire, I hope. Else I am doomed,” Agnes said. Her mouth curled up in that irresistible smile and Duncan did not resist. He touched her smiling lip, then kissed her, drawing out her tongue.

“I do, however,” Nigel said, taking the folded paper from her. “No child deserves that sort of life; a walking deadman as a father?” Bitterness tainted the sweet course of emotion as the airman drew the cap over his erect member, then it faded entirely as Agnes threw one leg over Nigel’s hips.