“There’s no harm in it,” the vampire queen mused. “Fear does flavor the blood so.”
Another thing she did not share with Jamison’s master. Duncan declared fear to be a revolting flavor, t’was, he said, almost better to go hungry.
And so she told him, told him all those plans she’d made, once she discovered that Duncan had survived, nay, even thrived, after his change. If the earl felt fear, Jamison did not know it, could not look. But the butler felt fear singing through his veins, so much so that he worried the vampire queen might chose to feed on him
“If you wouldn’t mind, could you please let the captain know I will be missing our appointment later this week. I fear I haven’t time to write a letter.”
“Of course, sir,” Jamison said, relieved. Of course. The captain will know what to do.
“You will leave this?” The vampire queen indicated the butler with one flick of her shapely, pale wrist. “I was going to kill it.”