
Chapter 6

As scared as I was, I was determined to do what I had to do to make this situation not be real. It didn’t work. I couldn’t do a thing. In the end, it just got uglier, and all my fear didn’t do me a bit of good at all.

The police found me in the alley several hours after midnight. I had no ID and no money, nothing but that note from Frederick, which he’d written on the church stationery. I was unconscious and bloody, beaten up, robbed, had knocked my head on the sidewalk (good old clumsy me), and the knees of my jeans were stained with blood, both knees being all torn open again. I wouldn’t be wearing those jeans again. I never had liked that torn look anyhow.

I’m sorry I’m telling you this like a short news article, but I can’t in all honesty ‘show you’ in a literary sense as I don’t remember most of it. But this is what happened next.