
Chapter 9

The next morning my parents and sister came and the doctor was there and in walked two policemen and the principal of my school. Introductions went all around, and I was still waking up while all this was going on. “When is this?” I asked again, still dazed. “Where’s the Cagafuego? Is my crew all right?” As soon as I said it, I knew it was weird, but a part of me really wanted to know.

Everyone started to speak at once but only Frederick’s voice came through to me. He said, “When do you think this is?”

“Ninteen forty-four,” I said. “Unless it’s still 1642 but I’m thinking that’s in the past, I mean, who sees pirates any more, right? I’m not crazy, you know.” Here I chuckled, laughing at myself. Sort of. It seemed like a good idea at the time. I saw someone looping their finger around their ear and thought, logically, ah, the technical term; loopy. Fuck them. Then I hoped I hadn’t said that out loud too.

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