“Do we have time for a shower?” Duncan asked, lurching against my shoulder so he could look at me. His eyes were full of unshed tears. “I’ll get cleaned up, then put my filthy clothes back on.” Was he going to cry? Yep. He sobbed, then bit his lip. My heart lurched. “Then I’ll get out of your way,” he finished, looking like he had looked in tenth grade when Joella Parsons, who later turned out to be a motorcycle-riding dyke anyhow, turned him down for the prom. He’d been shattered. I wonder if he’d known, at the time, that he was gay and was just trying not to be, or if he knew and wanted everyone else to not know. The way he looked right now made me heartsick that I hadn’t known then. Oh, my life would have been so much happier if I’d known then what I know now, but then, isn’t life like that most of the time?