Chapter 42

“This is the first time you have ever asked me something like this,” he said quietly, sitting on the stool near Alex.

“I know. Thank you.” Alex smiled shyly and shrugged, then started to nibble at his food.

Alex felt Daniel’s gaze but tried not to look at him and he concentrated on breathing.

“Is that my bracelet?” Daniel asked after a while.

Alex felt his cheeks burn and didn’t meet his friend’s eyes while he nodded.

“Glad you like it.” Daniel reached out for it, sliding his fingers under the bracelet, between the wood and the tender flesh of Alex’s wrist.

“Sorry,” he grumbled, when Alex froze.

Alex felt his heart exploding in his chest. He turned and looked at his friend’s beautiful face.


What the fuck?

Alex tried again. “I don’t like the bracelet.”

Daniel blinked and Alex stood from the stool. “No, sorry! I didn’t mean it like that. I mean yes, I like it, but no, it’s not what I like. Well, it’s just…I like something else…”