With far less gentleness this time, Nick was pulled back to the man’s chest then lifted into the air until he was eye level with Brad. The man wasn’t exactly model handsome—his nose was crooked and his lips a tad on the thick side. Not that Nick had long to assess the football player’s facial features before Brad’s tongue was tapping at Nick’s lips, demanding entry. Nick immediately obliged and Brad’s tongue began exploring Nick’s mouth. The only thing Nick could think of was how wrong he was about Brad’s lips. They were soft, pillowy and so incredibly hungry. Nick wrapped his arms around Brad’s bull neck and his legs did their best to curl around Brad’s hips—all in an effort to deepen the kiss. Someone was whimpering; Nick eventually realized it was him.
“God, boy, you’re a fuckin’ fantastic kisser,” Brad said when he broke off for air. The jock obviously had a greater lung capacity than Nick because the latter’s vision was starting to go grey at the edges.