“Oh, sorry, Buddy.” Nick moved his lips to just in front of Bill and Ben and kissed his way up to Buddy’s ruby red head. Nick was rewarded by the appearance of a pearl of precum, which he lapped up eagerly. “Thank you, Mr. uh, do you have a last name, too?” Given all the craziness so far, he felt Buddy would indeed have a second name.
“Johnson, Buddy Johnson,” Brad said, putting on a deeper voice.
Nick laughed. “Suits you.” He gave Buddy another kiss and followed it up by pulling back the foreskin and licking the exposed crown. Yes, Nick had always been a dick man, and Buddy had him reaffirming this.
“Buddy says he wants you to suck him,” Brad said, petting Nick’s hair.
Nick wasn’t sure how much of Buddy’s mammoth girth he could accommodate. But he was determined to give it the good old college try. Hopefully the many hours of practice he’d had with his Jeff Stryker dildo would pay dividends.