He padded out to the kitchen and scoured the contents of the fridge, though nothing appealed to him. Coffee, he decided, would only exacerbate his restlessness. Whiskey. There was some in the pantry. He splashed some into a glass and took a sip. Yes, that was what he needed—something to calm his nerves and induce drowsiness.
Standing at the sliding glass door he stared up at the night sky and briefly pondered the immensity of the cosmos. All those stars, twinkling and sparkling like jewels. And all those unseen galaxies, with planets and suns. All those possibilities. In that context, the hidden elite’s quest for complete domination and power through the rigid normalcy laws seemed petty. Almost pathetic. Big fish in a very small puddle of muddy water.
He swallowed another mouthful of whiskey and turned away from the door. A shape in the darkness at the other side of the kitchen startled him.
“What are you doing up?” It was Rebecca. “What are you doing in the dark?”