“Do you know why you’re here?”
Michael could think of a couple of reasons, but felt it prudent to play dumb.
“You can’t guess?”
The Man strode up to him, examined his face before walking a tight circle around him.
Michael felt The Man brush against his buttocks.
“We’re never going to get anywhere if you don’t co-operate, Michael Quinn.”
Michael’s first instinct was to remain silent. Nobody ever returned from a white van. What was the point in co-operating? He was only glad Rebecca, Craig, and the children were well and truly on their way to the coast, to the cargo ship. To freedom. Wild horses couldn’t drag any information about them from his lips. They could torture him first.
Then he decided it might be smarter if he pretended to co-operate. It might encourage them to conclude he had nothing to hide.
“I’m sorry,” he said. “But I honestly don’t know why I’m here.”