
Chapter 13

“I wonder now if we can talk openly and honestly with each other.”

“I hope so,” said Michael. “I’d really like to know why I’m being held here.”

The Man sat down next to Michael on the bed.

“Does the name Maxine McGuire ring any bells?”

“Maxine McGuire? Maxie? Yes it does.”

“She came to us earlier this week and made a very serious complaint about you.” The Man was looking straight ahead, not at Michael. “She accused you of being a homosexual. A non-citizen.”

The Man paused. Waited.

Michael remained silent.

“Apparently she has been working with you for quite some time and during that time she has made several overtures to you which you have rejected.” The Man remained focused on the darkness in front of him. “Maxine is not an unattractive woman and as a single man, Michael, I thought you would have leapt at such an opportunity.”

The Man paused again. Michael suspected it was to give him time to protest, which he didn’t. Nor would he.