A noise woke him up. He must have been sleeping deeply because for a moment he was disorientated. Despite having spent so much time in that dimly lit space, he had to remember where he was. He was not at home. He was a prisoner.
“Michael.” It was The Man. “You’ve been lying to me.”
Michael rubbed his eyes. “What?”
“I’ve asked you more than once whether or not you were a homosexual. You replied you weren’t. The evidence, however, was very much to the contrary.”
“I saw a bit of evidence myself,” Michael retorted. “If you’re referring to the fact I was sporting an erection when you were last here, then you can tar yourself with the same brush.”
The Man was momentarily speechless. “It is unwise to antagonize me.”
Michael shrugged. “I’m not trying to antagonize you. In my defense, I’m merely telling you what I saw.”
The Man regarded him coolly.
“Michael Quinn, you have no defense,” he said finally. “Stand up while I’m talking to you.”