They easily found the galley, and the cook, and were soon eating steak and salad, and washing it all down with percolated coffee. After dinner they returned to the deck and found a quiet place where they could view the vast, deep blue ocean, lit by a full moon that left a silvery trail across the ocean.
“We made it,” said Bevan before kissing Michael’s cheek.
Michael smiled and lifted his face to the breeze. He inhaled, enjoying the slightly salty, but fresh scent of the sea breeze.
“You do love me, don’t you?” he asked, turning to Bevan, almost ashamed for feeling insecure enough to have to ask.
“Of course, I do,” said Bevan. “Haven’t I proved that to you?”
“It’s just…” He shook his head and turned his face back to the breeze.
“It’s just what?” asked Bevan.
“Earlier, in the bathroom, with that man. I saw your cock.”