“Somewhere where they don’t ask for ID, I bet,” Snap said. Tall, thin, and blond, he resembled a scarecrow with his spiked-up hair and wide smile.
Terry shrugged. “That would be good.”
“Are you running from home?” Josie asked. She was a pretty Hispanic girl, her long black hair tied back at the nape of her neck with a bandana.
“Abuse or kicked out?”
“Well which one?” she said with a hard look at him.
“I guess you could say abuse,” Terry muttered.
“Guess? Damn, Ter, you know it was,” Kel spat out.
Rudy held up one hand, saying, “Let’s take this somewhere less public.”
It took Terry a moment to realize they were standing in the middle of the sidewalk, in front of a clothing store, and that pedestrians were making a wide berth around them. Rudy pointed to an empty bench on the center island. Josie and the brothers sat, while Rudy and Snap positioned themselves in front of them, Snap with one foot on the bench, Rudy squatting down, looking at Terry.