
Chapter 7

He shook Kel’s shoulder, getting a muttered “It’s too early” from his brother. Then Kel opened his eyes and sighed sleepily. “It wasn’t a dream and I gotta piss.”

“Me too. So hop to it and let’s hope the construction workers don’t kick us out.”

“They won’t,” Rudy said from the other side of the room. “They know us.”

“They know you, not me and Kel,” Terry pointed out.

“Same diff, but I’ll go with you this time.”

The three young men left the room after Rudy woke Snap to let him know what was going on and to bar the door.

“Question,” Kel said as they walked down the alley. “How do you keep people out when you’re gone? You can’t bar the door behind you then.”

“Trust to luck, and so far it’s worked. Or I should say that no one’s tried to steal anything. We’ve found dudes crashing there a time or three. We let them stay the night and warned them before they left they’d better not tell anyone about the place. As far as I know they didn’t.”