“We should have done this first,” Snap grumbled at one point. “Now we’re going to have to clean the damned unit again because of all the dust and whatever this is making.”
Rudy chuckled. “By the time we’re finished we’ll be able to pass for dust bunnies.”
“No shit,” Terry agreed, looking at his clothes that were now almost gray as a result of what they were doing. “I hope to hell this is justdust and not powder from drugs Big-D and his people dealt.”
“Hey,” Josie replied with a grin, “maybe we should take off the masks and see if we get high.”
“Josie…” Rudy shook his head.
“I was just kidding. Jeez.”
They eventually got all the downstairs carpeting up and lugged out to the dumpster behind the rowhouses. Rudy called to ask Mr. Wilson if he wanted the upstairs carpet removed as well. After a brief discussion it was decided that a good shampooing would probably be sufficient as the last tenants had kept their vandalism to the walls only up there.