
Chapter 57

“I don’t think they’re all guys.” The handsome, dark-haired man smiled at Josie.

Snap instantly put his arm around her waist, stating, “This is Josie, I’m Snap, and that’s Terry.”

Andy eyed Terry. “Why the hell did you dye your hair at some point?”

“Because,” Terry told him, not about to go into the whole story at the moment. He knew it looked sort of weird right now, half brown, half his natural coppery-blond.

Andy laughed. “That works. Okay, come on I’ll show you around. Rudy’s already seen the place of course.”

“Not with any kids hanging here. I recognize a couple of them from last night so the word must be getting out.”

“It’s starting to,” Andy agreed. “Still not nearly as busy as I’d like it to be.”