Chapter 3

“Jonah.” Sean tried to sound calm and took Jonah’s upper arm. “I need you to…uh…help me with these physics problems.”

Jonah’s head whirled toward him. “Sean?” He looked completely perplexed, but Sean didn’t give him a chance to say more.

“Come on.” He practically wrenched Jonah away from Jeremy and dragged him toward the door, not bothering about the quizzical looks coming from Jeremy.

Sean pulled up his car exactly in front of the gate of Jonah’s house. He leaned on the steering wheel, staring wordlessly as Jonah clicked open the safety belt and unlocked the car door. The boy turned to him.

“Really. You don’t need to do this. I can always take the bus.” Jonah’s voice was still as cheery as before. He let out a geeky guffaw. “Nothing will happen to me, don’t you think?”