Chapter 12

Jonah was amazed by the luxury presented before his eyes, with the lavishly upholstered lounge suite, the thick and squashy-looking flooring, and a tall lamp that automatically gleamed when someone opened the front door.

Sean rested his hand lightly on Jonah’s shoulder. “Get inside,” Sean coaxed him gently. “We must get you some clothes.”

Jonah shrugged off the hand, though he regretted it when he glanced briefly at Sean.

“I’m all right,” he mumbled. “No need to fret.”

Sean frowned a little.

“Nobody’s fretting. You can’t be in that blanket the entire night.”

Jonah sighed. He paced inside and slumped in one of the armchairs. He pulled at the corners of the blanket to make sure no parts of his body were bared. Not once did he look up to meet Sean’s eyes.

“Am all right,” he repeated. “That thingdidn’t do more than touch me. I-I wasn’t violated.”

“Uhh. Thank God.”