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Hoyt left the morgue no wiser about the killer than he had been when the autopsy started. There was no semen in his mouth, throat, stomach, or anal cavity. According to the coroner that indicated the victim hadn’t had sex in any form within at least a day before his death. When Hoyt asked about condoms he was told there was no trace evidence that one had been used just before the murder. “And no condom wrapper was found at the crime scene to indicate the victim had planned on committing fellatio on the killer before he was assaulted,” the coroner added.
The boy’s fingers, as with Grimes, were broken intentionally rather than being the result of his fighting his attacker. “No flesh or other trace evidence under the nails,” the coroner stated. “No bruising on the knuckles. Some bruises on his wrists, besides the abrasions caused by the ropes. They were probably the result of his killer grabbing his arms to twist them behind his back.”