Chapter 28

“I bet you’re going to tell me you have to leave since you work tomorrow,” Teague replied, trying to look disappointed.

“I’m afraid so. Are you still going to be here Saturday?”

Teague shook his head. “I wish, but I do have to get home. Even the best vacations have to end sometime.”

Will grinned. “You could always do what I did. Pull up roots and move here.”

“As tempting the idea might be, I like my job and my house.”

“Oh well, can’t blame a guy for trying. Especially when it comes to man as…interesting as you.”

“That was a very bad attempt at a pick-up line, Will.”

Will laughed. “Yeah I know. Okay, I do have to get out of here. If you’re still in town tomorrow…”

“I should be. If I haven’t fallen out of the raft and been swept downstream to God only knows where.”

Grinning, Will replied, “I think they’d get you before that happened. So, tomorrow night? Here?”
