“Sorry.” Keir stared at Teague for a second. “I’m going to get some coffee. I saw a machine down the hall. Do you want some?”
“No thanks.”
“Okay. I’ll be back in a while.” Turning on his heel, Keir left, closing the door behind him.
“What was that all about?” Hoyt asked.
Teague sighed. “I think hethinks we need some time alone.”
“I see.” Hoyt studied Teague. “To talk about us? If there is an ‘us’.” When Teague nodded, Hoyt said, “Is there?”
“We seemed to be moving in that direction.”
“Past tense,” Hoyt murmured. “Before you say anything more, I will tell you that I like you. Present tense.” He smiled slightly. “I want to get to really know you, now that all of this is over and we have time to be more than two men trying to stop a killer. Yeah, we’ve opened up some but…” He tried to reach for Teague, only to be stopped by the tug of the IV attached to the back of his hand. “Damn it,” he growled.