Chapter 41

“Not yet, but you will because I don’t think showering is an option for a while yet.”

“It’s not,” Tony said, coming into the room with two plates of food that he set down on the coffee table. “Okay, on your feet, Hoyt. Breakfast is ready.”

“No kidding,” Hoyt muttered, looking at the food. He started to get out of the recliner then sank back, sighing. Teague immediately got up to help him.

“Stop right there,” Tony barked out. “He has to do it on his own.”

“For the love of God, he just got out of the hospital and this chair is not easy for anyone to get out of, any more than the car was. I had to help him in and out when I brought him home.”

“If he’d remember to raise the back to its upright position,” Tony said with a smirk.

“Okay. Point made,” Teague muttered, adding, “What were you in your last life? A flight attendant?”