Picking up the menu, Teague made his choice and told the waitress when she came over. Then, in order to keep from thinking, he went to the rack by the cashier, bought one of the national papers, and settled down to read. 13
Teague didn’t have to make up some excuse for leaving the next morning. He was dressed, and getting ready to head down to the motel’s restaurant to pick up something to eat, when his phone rang.
“Now that the murders are solved, when are you planning on coming back?” Jake asked almost before Teague could get out a “Hello.”
“Problems?” Teague asked since Jake sounded tense.
“Not per se, but we just picked up three new clients in the last couple of days so your presence would be appreciated.”
“Is that your way of saying I should have gotten my ass back there yesterday?”
Jake chuckled. “Guess it is.”
“All right. If I leave within the hour, I should be back this evening, barring car problems or bad traffic.”
“Good. How are you by the way? Healed up?”