“Yeah. She pulled it out of me when we went to dinner last night. And before you go all green-eyed on me, you know she’s just a friend. Strangely enough, given how short a time I’ve known her, probably one of the few friends I have here. I suppose,” Hoyt said, sounding pensive, “that’s another reason it won’t be as hard to leave as it could be. I have lots of acquaintances, but damned few real friends.”
“You have one here.”
“You? I know.”
“No,” Teague replied. “I think, I hope, I’m more than just a friend now. I meant Keir. You’ll make more, too, once you start working here. We’re sort of family. At least those of us who have been with the agency for any length of time. Like you are with the chief and probably some of the guys you work with.”
“Yeah, I’ll miss the chief but—” Hoyt laughed, “—I told him he’d be welcome to come visit once I find a place.”
“So he’ll…Wait a minute. He already knows?”