As Alvin (I mean Elvis) started the engine and started to drive away, we found seats and watched Martin’s Garage disappear into the past. It was so comfortable; I can’t begin to tell you.
Elvis’s voice came through a speaker. He said, with a smile in his voice, “I love showing off my car. Sadly, this is her last trip. I’m selling her to a buyer in Denver; I need the money.”
Brandon’s face creased. “What’s wrong?” he asked, coming over all girly again, I thought.
“My wife has been ill. It was her heart’s desire to open a medical center for children with orphan diseases. She’s a sweetheart like that, very thoughtful and concerned about others. She just thought that as bad as it was for her, having something rare and terrible, it had to be worse for children and their families.”
We were both spellbound. He had a deep voice, and it was almost like a radio program.