Chapter 7

No, Mom, she thought, I will never have a little girl just like me. Or any other grandchildren for you to love either. Sorry Mom, but that??s just not in my destiny. You have two other????normal????daughters to give you grandchildren. If they??re straight, of course. I don??t know about Lisa, she thought, thinking about her eight year old sister who was quite a tomboy already. Nancy yeah, she??s all girl. She??ll have babies before she even gets married, I??ll bet you that. Nancy was fifteen and already had a bigger bust than Whit did. Thank goodness for that. I wonder if Mom and Dad really wanted a boy when I was born? Can that even cause this?

Dinner was ready and they all sat down. Unwisely but eager to test the waters, Whit asked, ??Did you read about Colin??s mother saying being trans or gay happens in the womb and was caused by the devil??? There was dead silence.