Danny couldn??t help it. He laughed. ??My mother??s place, ha-ha! She passed away six years ago!??
Rodger??s face flushed. ??She didn??t happen to live in Melbourne, did she??? he muttered.
??I can push you where you??re going,?? Danny offered, almost astonishing himself with his idea. Somehow, his usual crippling shyness had forgotten to show up this afternoon.
??Aye. All right. I hate this,?? said Rodger.
??You??re real independent, aren??t you??? Danny said, adding a couple of oofs and grunts as he got the wheelchair started.
??Hah. You have no idea,?? Rodger grunted.
??The end of the block and turn right. It??s the big building at number 405. The Hotel California, run by Nurse Ratched and her evil twin sister, Nurse Cratchett.??
Danny didn??t recognize those references either.