One of Beau??s friends swore, two of them laughed, and then they all ran off toward the gym. Danny and Whit heard the big gymnasium doors open and slam shut behind them.
Like a movie, Danny turned and took Whit in his arms. His heart was pounding and he was beginning to feel faint. Part of him, only part, hoped he hadn??t killed Beau. He kissed Whit soundly, and she kissed him back. They only stopped because of the cheering and the applause that began to surround them. Then they all turned and continued on down the hall to the auditorium, like innocent little sheep to the barn. Many of the sheep were saying things like, pow! Right in the kisser! And, good one! And,what a cry baby. He??s not so high and mighty now.
Danny knew he??d have to tell someone what he had done, but decided it could wait until they got where they were going. He decided they would, now, go straight there.