Their attentions were taken by shouts down by the stage. They sounded like happy shouts but the words were not exactly pleasant. One strident female voice was calling out, ??Bernadette, girlfriend, you old whore! What brings you here? Did you come because of all the luscious firemen? Woo hoo!??
??Oh my God,?? said Jacob. ??That??s Ms. Wickers! Ms. Dub is uh??uh???? he was dumb-founded. He wasn??t exactly sure what Ms. Wickers was, but enough was enough. ??Her, too??? he asked, pouting.
Grace and Erica walked by, holding Mr. Grogan??s little boy. ??She said whore,?? one of them said. The other repeated, ??Whore!?? and Joey Grogan sang out, ??Whore! Whore! Whore!?? Apparently he??d fully recuperated from his fright this morning, but then, Grace and Erica could cheer anybody up.