* * * *
“What did you discover about Mr. Croft?” Duff asked the moment he opened the door to his apartment around five the next evening.
“Let’s get Liddy and Rob and I’ll fill you in,” I told him.
Liddy was easy enough to find. She strolled out of Duff’s kitchen carrying two cups of coffee, one of which she handed to him. “In the office?” she asked, obviously having overheard what I’d said.
She offered me coffee, even though she knew I rarely drank it. I declined and we went down the hall to the office. I misted in to turn off the security system, then opened the door for them. That was one of the unique things about our private headquarters—there was no way to disarm the security from anywhere except inside what looked like a coat closet along the interior wall. Since Rob, Duff and I could get into it without using either of the doors, we were safe enough from anyone who thought they’d like to explore where they didn’t belong.