Chapter 19

::I think the two of you might want to show your faces right about now,:: I told Duff and Rob.

::With pleasure,:: Duff replied, seconds before he appeared in his panther form.

Rob was right behind him, or to be more specific, right behind Steve. Before the man knew what was happening, Rob grabbed the rifle, tearing it from the bastard’s hands.

I was beside Ian in the blink of an eye, gripping his gun hand, forcing it behind his back. I yanked Liddy away from Ian then left him to Duff’s tender mercies. Although I’m not certain tender is the correct word for it.

Ian backed away in terror as Duff stalked him. And yet he still had the gall to sneer and say, before he screamed as Duff leapt, forcing Ian to the floor, “I played you well, Philip. But then it was soeasy to…”

“He’s not going to kill him, is he?” Liddy whispered, her voice, and her body, shaking.

“No,” I replied, holding her for a moment until she began to calm. “Unless Ian dies of fright, he’ll survive.”