I felt a flash of unwarranted jealousy that they had what I so desperately longed for. Rob gripped my shoulder, murmuring in my mind, ::Someday you’ll find the right person. It just takes time.::
::Time?:: I snorted derisively, ::A thousand years isn’t time enough?::
::A million isn’t if you weren’t looking. I think you only began to realize what you were missing when the three of us teamed up. Maybe not even then. Maybe it only happened when Duff met Liddy and you saw that it was possible for her to accept what he is, what all of us are, with no reservations.::
::He’s right,:: Duff said, joining our link. ::On all counts. Now that you’ve opened yourself to the possibility, the time will come when you find the right man.::
::I thought…No, I will not go there.:: I looked at both of them and smiled. ::I won’t close the door on the possibility despite what happened.::
Duff chuckled. ::Hadn’t better, because Liddy’s already keeping her eye open for the man of your dreams.::