Chapter 30

We also visited two of the cemeteries, Lafayette No. 1 and St. Louis No. 1, which he found fascinating.

“Do vampires really go to ground here, in the crypts?” he asked at one point.

“A few do, at times,” I told him. “But only rarely. Nowadays, most of us have our own homes.”

He chewed the corner of his lip. “Can I find them, the way you did me the first time?”

“Yes, if you open your senses. You’re still young, so you’ll only be able to find ones who aren’t shielding.”

“Something I should do. Right?”

“Right. Another lesson you need to learn for your own safety.”

“It never ends,” he grumbled.

I laughed. “It does, and you’ve made remarkable progress considering your age.”

He rolled his eyes, and we continued on. 6

And then it was time for my partners to return home from vacation.