Chapter 4

“Are you as nervous as I was a couple of days ago?”

“Oh, I don’t know,” Gregory answered, concentrating on the sizzling bacon in the skillet. Frank’s mother had sent it along with them. “My ma’s much different than yours. By the tone of her letters, she seems different than when Pa was alive. I guess I don’t know what to expect.”

“I don’t know what’s worse—walking into my house thinking my family would support us, or going into yours not knowing what to anticipate.”

“This is the same woman who scolded me about talking back to Pa when I was sixteen. And now, she’s been writing for the past two years that she can’t wait for me to get home to see how different the farm is.”

“Sounds like your pa dying has been good for her?” Frank asked cautiously as he pulled the shaving glass from its place in a pack.

“We’ll see,” Gregory said with a weak smile.

“Do I need to shave before we go?” Frank looked in the shaving glass.