Chapter 39

“Talking about winter,” Sarah Nordhuff said to the men. “Mrs. McAvoy and I have been talking about the winter holidays. I’d love to host the Thanksgiving dinner.”

“I can do New Year’s,” Mrs. McAvoy said. “Always did love the New Year’s dinner.” The women looked eagerly at Frank and Gregory.

“I suppose we could have everyone over on Christmas Day,” Gregory volunteered.

“That settles it, then,” Sarah said. “We’ll start our own traditions out here on the prairie.”

* * * *

True to their prediction about winter, and although the calendar indicated that summer turned into autumn, the weather didn’t indicate the change of season. As soon as the crops were in, Frank and Gregory settled into new winter routines around the homestead.

“Without the outdoor work,” Gregory said as he wrung water from a sheet, “it’s been like a holiday or something.”

“Except wash day.” Frank shaved more soap flakes into the wash water.